I’m Lorenzo Scaturchio. I live in Los Angeles California, where I try to automate my life.

Growing up, I was always fascinated with the way things worked. There was nothing that I could not set my mind to that I would try to figure out. I was always taking things apart and putting them back together. Failed a bunched but learned along the way.

The only thing I loved more than computers as a kid was music. At an early age I learned to play piano by ear and from there I got a guitar. It has been a passion of mine ever since and some day I will make an album that I will publish on here and many other platforms.

I spent the next few summers indoors not progressing but still being passionate about learning something. I always had to be busy so there was always a new hobby that I would pick up, for better or for worse.

Today, I’m creating projects to make my life easier, where I am working with AI / ML so that the next generation can inspire to innovate with the new tools provided to us.